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What is CORE?

The California Air Resources Board (CARB), in partnership with CALSTART, launched the Clean Off-Road Equipment Voucher Incentive Project (CORE) to accelerate the purchase of zero-emission off-road equipment in California. 

Senate Bill 170 of 2021 appropriated $30 million to CARB to provide incentives for professional landscape equipment operated by small businesses or sole proprietors in California. In November 2022, CORE opened this $30 million to voucher requests.  Funds were fully subscribed and closed in October 2023. The remaining funding appropriated from Senate Bill 170 will reopen in CORE during the first quarter of 2025. These CORE vouchers reduce the purchase price of qualifying zero-emission professional landscape equipment. CORE vouchers provide a point-of-sale discount for professional landscapers purchasing new zero-emission landscape equipment powered by a battery-electric powertrain. CORE does not require scrappage of existing internal combustion equipment as a condition of program participation. 

How to Participate:
Choose your role in the purchase process

Criteria for Eligibility:

Eligible equipment must meet the requirements below and receive an Equipment Eligibility Letter from CARB:  

  • New or conversion kit zero-emission equipment which has not been used or previously owned (corded equipment is not eligible)  
  • Two-year commercial warranty that covers the tool, battery, and charger  
  • Purchased from an approved CORE Dealer  
  • Manufacturers must submit an Equipment Eligibility Application for equipment to be eligible in the CORE project  

The deadline for new and existing Manufacturers to apply for CORE Professional Landscape Service Equipment eligibility is February 18th, 2025.

If your Eligibility Application is not received by this date, we cannot guarantee that you will be enrolled as a CORE-approved manufacturer (pending approval) by opening day (anticipated March 2025) for the Professional Landscape Service Equipment funding lane. Following equipment eligibility approval, manufacturers may supplement their initial eligibility application to request the addition of equipment. The one-time addition will be permitted six months after voucher opening but will not allow changes to the MSRP of already approved equipment.


Steps for Previously Eligible OEMs Participating in CORE: 

  1. Read and understand Attachment D – Professional Landscape Service Equipment – CORE Implementation Manual also available in Spanish Anexo D – Equipo profesional de servicios de jardineria – Manual de implementación.
  2. To list your eligible equipment, submit a streamlined eligibility application by filling out the cover letter and Landscaping Equipment List workbook.
  3. Send streamlined application to 
  4. Advise new dealers to enroll. 


Steps for Prospective OEMs Participating in CORE: 

  1. Read and understand Attachment D – Professional Landscape Service Equipment – CORE Implementation Manual also available in Spanish Anexo D – Equipo profesional de servicios de jardineria – Manual de implementación.
  2. Compile documents outlined in Attachment D.  
  3. Send complete application package to  
  4. Advise dealers to enroll. 

Criteria for Eligibility:

Any equipment dealer affiliated with a CORE-eligible Manufacturer can become an approved CORE dealer. Manufacturers can also fill the role of a dealer for their own equipment.    

The deadline to enroll as a new dealer for the Professional Landscape Service Equipment category is March 4, 2025.  If your Dealer Registration Form is not received by this date, we cannot guarantee that you will be enrolled as a CORE-approved dealer (pending approval) prior to the funding release date for the Professional Landscape Service Equipment funding lane. 


Steps for Previously Enrolled CORE-Dealers Participating in the CORE Project:  

If you were previously enrolled and approved as a CORE dealer, you do not need to re-register as a new dealer.  Please use your Voucher Processing Center (VPC) login credentials to access the VPC “Resources” page and review the updated materials.  

If you an existing dealer, and are needing to add a new Manufacturer to your list of affiliated Manufacturers, authorization from the new Manufacturer is required. This authorization letter must be signed and dated letter on the Manufacturer’s letterhead, granting the dealer authorization to sell their eligible CARB-approved equipment. Each letter must include the following:

  • Manufacturer name
  • Date  
  • Manufacturer authorization statement 
  • Dealership name and address  
  • Manufacturer signature

Please send the completed Manufacturer authorization letter to Authorization letters must be received from existing dealers adding new manufacturers by March 4, 2025. If an authorization letter is not received by this date, we cannot guarantee updates will be made prior to the funding release date for the Professional Landscape Service Equipment funding lane.

Steps for New Prospective Dealers Participating in the CORE Project: 

Each staff member at a dealership interested in participating in the CORE Project must individually complete the following steps outlined below:  

  1. The dealership must sell CARB-approved equipment featured in the Eligible Equipment Catalog.   
  2. Submit a CORE Dealer Registration Form 
    • Be prepared to accept dealer terms and conditions  
    • Provide a copy of your dealership’s signed W-9   
    • Be prepared to upload a signed and dated letter from each of your affiliated CORE-eligible Manufacturer(s) on the Manufacturer’s letterhead, granting you authorization to sell their eligible CARB-approved equipment.  Each letter must include the following:
      • Manufacturer name
      • Date  
      • Manufacturer authorization statement 
      • Dealership name and address  
      • Manufacturer signature    
  3. Allow up to 30 days for your Dealer Registration Form to be reviewed. After review, you will be sent a link to the CORE Professional Landscape Service Equipment Dealer Training Module. You must complete the training and receive a minimum score of 80% on the final weighted quiz.   

Voucher Processing Center credentials will be issued within 30 days of approved status.  


For additional assistance, contact a CORE Project Administrator at  


Voucher Request Forms: 

Printable Voucher Request Forms are available via the Voucher Processing Center’s “Resources” section. 

Criteria for Eligibility:

Eligible purchasers include small businesses or sole proprietors who provide professional landscape services as defined below.  

Professional Landscape Service 

A landscape contractor constructs, maintains, repairs, installs, or subcontracts the development of landscape systems and facilities for public and private gardens and other areas which are designed to aesthetically, architecturally, horticulturally, or functionally improve the grounds within or surrounding a structure or a tract or plot of land. In connection therewith, a landscape contractor prepares and grades plots and areas of land for the installation of any architectural, horticultural and decorative treatment or arrangement. (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 16 § 832.27.)  

Small Business and Microbusiness  

A small business means an independently owned and operated business that is not dominant in its field of operation, the principal office of which is located in California, the officers of which are domiciled in California, and which, together with affiliates, has 100 or fewer employees, and average annual gross receipts of ten million dollars ($10,000,000) or less over the previous three years, or is a manufacturer, as defined in subdivision (c), with 100 or fewer employees. Commencing January 1, 2019, the average annual gross receipts threshold shall be fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000). (Gov. Code § 14837(d)(1)(A))  

Microbusiness is a small business which, together with affiliates, has average annual gross receipts of two million five hundred thousand dollars ($2,500,000) or less over the previous three years, or is a manufacturer, as defined in subdivision (c), with 25 or fewer employees. Commencing January 1, 2019, the average annual gross receipts threshold shall be five million dollars ($5,000,000). (Gov. Code § 14837(d)(2))  

Sole Proprietor  

A sole proprietorship is set up to allow an individual to own and operate a business. A sole proprietor has total control, receives all profits from and is responsible for taxes and liabilities of the business. ( 


Steps for Participating in CORE: 

  1. Select equipment that suits your needs from the equipment catalog.
  2. Contact an eligible Dealer. The Dealer will submit the voucher request on your behalf. 
  3. Provide the Dealer with voucher request information. 
  4. Purchase your CORE-discounted equipment. 

Review Attachment D – Professional Landscape Service Equipment – CORE Implementation Manual also available in Spanish Anexo D – Equipo profesional de servicios de jardineria – Manual de implementación for additional information.