Available Voucher Funds


Heavy-Duty Equipment Funding

The CORE Project launched with $126 million for freight and other heavy-duty off-road equipment. Individual equipment types have been grouped into eight funding categories to promote the broad application of CORE Project funding. Funding categories will be funded equally with available funding. Funding category allocations will be reserved for the first six months after the annual program launch. The eight funding categories have been identified and are listed below. CARB will continue to evaluate needs in the funding categories after the first six months and may continue limits if warranted.  

Once the funding for a particular category has reached its cap, new voucher requests for that equipment type (including conversions of that equipment type) will be placed on a contingency list until the cap is lifted. If funding caps for equipment categories are lifted, projects deployed in DAC and/or operated by a small business will be prioritized to receive funding. However, there is no guarantee that funding will be available for the voucher requests on the contingency list. 

To promote the broad application of CORE funding, $14.3 million of funding will be set aside for 180 calendar days to ensure small businesses have access to participate.

Equipment Type

Requested Funding

(In Millions)

Amount Appropriated

(In Millions)

Terminal tractors (both on- and off-road)


Accepting Requests

$20 M

TRUs (both truck- and trailer-mounted)

$8.8 M

$20 M

Large forklifts and cargo handling equipment

$15.3 M

$20 M

Mobile Power Units (MPU) and mobile shore power cable management systems


Accepting Requests

$20 M

Agriculture and Construction equipment


Accepting Requests

$20 M

Commercial harbor craft

$5.8 M

$8 M

Railcar movers and freight locomotives

$1.1 M

$2 M

Airport ground support equipment (airport cargo loaders, wide-body aircraft tugs, and aircraft GPUs)


Accepting Requests

$2 M

Funding Set Aside

Requested Funding

Amount Appropriated (In Millions)

Small Business

$13.2 M

$14.3 M



CARB reserves the right to adjust any caps within the six-month period or extend the cap period beyond six months, if warranted. Infrastructure, DACs, and small business requests are included in category caps.