The California CORE Project closed its heavy-duty equipment funding segment on January 18, receiving 1368 voucher requests for off-road ZE equipment, as well as an additional 745 requests for charging equipment. Of these requests, 696 were funded in disadvantaged communities (DACs), and 191 participants were small businesses. Additionally, demand exceeded the amount of available funding. Three new equipment categories – construction, agriculture, and mobile power units – were fully subscribed!
Although the general heavy-duty funding segment has closed, the voucher submittal-period window for the Commercial Harbor Craft segment has been extended through April 1, 2024, at 9 a.m. PT. Programmatic updates on contingency list allocations will be announced in coming months.
Now that the CORE heavy-duty fiscal year 22-23 funding segment has closed, CORE Project administrators will be hosting a Heavy-Duty Update Webinar on February 21, 2024 from 12 to 2 p.m. PT to inform participants and request public comment from stakeholders about plans for FY 22-23 contingency-list funding and the upcoming CORE FY 23-24 funding cycle.